Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Guest Post: Seven Days in Denmark

I'm so happy to introduce a guest post from the Lovells on their recent trip! Hope you like it and feel free to leave a comment!

With just seven days to enjoy Denmark with our “Lovell-y” daughters in the thick of winter, we kept it moving.  It was a joyful moment when Briana realized that the girl she noticed walking by in the baggage claim area of the Aalborg airport not only looked a lot like Myra, but was Myra!   Yes, it’s fine with us to imagine that her vision of what a  week together would bring was instantly elevated to a higher level.  Palling around with the “rents” and Myzee – looking good!  Our corner room at the somewhat dated Park Hotel was everything we needed – including a view down the quaint street to Briana’s corner room just a couple of blocks away.  Bree hosted a warm and welcoming happy hour in her sweet room which we followed up with a delicious meal in town – the first of many truly outstanding meals in Denmark.  Aalborg was a delightful small town full of beautiful old buildings, nice parks, huge fjord, pedestrian streets, great cafes and last but not least, a lot of nice local brew!  Though cold outside, the Danish “hygge” (like coziness) was forever present inside – think warm, tasteful Danish design and LOTS of candles that burned not only at night, but all day, every day, everywhere.  Yep, I’m going to candle up for sure.  Seeing Aalborg, seeing the life Briana had created for herself there in Aalborg, walking on the beach at the most northern tip of Denmark, enjoying the local scene ... all highlights of the first few days. 

We took the train to Copenhagen and spent the last few days there.  What a beautiful city FULL of people on bikes!!!!!   Whoa ... bikes everywhere!  Even more than I remember seeing in Amsterdam.  Not like here, where people are clad in rain wear, helmets, neon etc.  Just ordinary people dressed in mostly black outfits (along with some fancy boots and high heels) getting to and from home, work, shopping etc. on very ordinary bikes.  Certainly makes me realize that though Portland may be a “biking” city by U.S. standards,  we are not even on the charts compared to Copenhagen.  We joined the fray of cyclists and rode out of the city center to the Bella Sky hotel – part of a redevelopment zone.  By redevelopment zone, we’re talking about some of the most wild and contemporary architecture you can imagine.  Unbelievable!  Check it out if you want:http://inhabitat.com/denmarks-new-bella-sky-hotel-boasts-a-stunning-green-interior/ We also had the pleasure of two evenings with “cousin Ida” (mentioned in Briana’s earlier posts) - a thoroughly delightful cousin of our friend Ingrid.  She was most welcoming and made visiting Copenhagen feel really special.

It’s hard to summarize a fun-filled week in just a few paragraphs.  I’ve never written on a blog before, so I hope it isn’t too long or boring!  We had a fantastic visit in Denmark with Bree and Myra.  The outside temp was pretty cold, but the warmth of our time together more than made up for it.  We loved it.  We totally loved it.

Monday, January 23, 2012


Well as some of you may know, there was a special surprise about my parent's visit this past week - it also included my sister! It was a very well-executed surprise and certainly made the visit even more special. It's been quite a while since our whole family has taken a trip anywhere all together, and it turns out that it's really a lot of fun. I had just been emailing with Myra about what she was doing for the three day weekend and so on, and was under the impression that she didn't have enough vacation at her new job to make the trip. When I went to the airport to meet my parents, I waved hello and waiting for the bags to arrive after entering the baggage claim area (not the strictest security at AAL lufthaven...) While I was standing there, a girl who looked a lot like Myra walked by, but I couldn't really get a good glimpse of her. I was kind of in disbelief, trying to get another look and looking back at mom to see what was going on. And there was Myra!!

Anyway, we had a really really great week together which you will hear more about in an upcoming guest post (!!) and maybe a later post from me as well. Just wanted to touch down on the blog space briefly since it's been a little while. 

Our final exam is today, which will conclude the academics for the semester. That leaves me with about a week in Aalborg, a week travelling, and then two weeks from today I will be back in Seattle. It's really only now starting to hit me that the time is near an end. I will definitely be emotional when I leave, but I also have a lot to look forward to when I return, in Seattle and then in Sun Valley where I will get to see many of my best college buddies, witness the marriage of two friends, and of course do some boppin on the slopes.

Monday, January 9, 2012


One week: parents here!
Two weeks: final exam, project finished!
Three weeks: ski trip and traveling in Germany/Italy/Prague
Four weeks: back in the US

As you can imagine, the next month is going to fly by. I really can't believe that in four weeks I'll be boarding (and, thanks to the time difference, deboarding) a plane to the US. I'll be doing my best to up the frequency of posts as it begins.

In the meantime, here is the previously mentioned notes from childhood, though I was a bit confused as the tiger is clearly a separate message from the "it snowd"

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Storm brewing...

The weather in Aalborg has been pretty crappy for a while now - windy, rainy, stormy - with no major incidents, warnings or fear. So when a classmate warned that we should go home early before the storm tonight, I took immediate interest.

I usually keep up to speed on this website - http://www.dmi.dk/dmi/index/danmark/byvejr_danmark.htm?by=9000 which is predicting some pretty knarly winds tonight. According to the google translation of one article, western and northern Jutland can expect wind gusts of hurricane force! And in England, the same storm has already taken two lives. (Also, who knew the Seattle times provided up-to-the-minute coverage of windstorms in England!)

It is pret-tay, pret-tay stormy out now, and getting worse later tonight from what I've heard. 

Sunday, January 1, 2012

To 2012!

First of all, happy new year to everyone! I had a great trip to spain, and came back to the 'borg for a nice evening over at the apartment of one of my groupmates. I enjoyed some German and Danish NYE traditions including Bleigießen, watching "Dinner for One", watching the queen speak at midnight, and enjoying a near-constant stream of fireworks set off by people all around the city (which I guess is legal here).

As for the end of 2011, I just have to appreciate how lucky I am to have so much fun and love in my life.* I saw a good contingent of my college buddies and shredded some pow on a trip to San Francisco and Tahoe, made many weekend trips to Anacortes and had some ultimate times with my wonderful friends in Seattle, had a pretty amazing backpacking trip to Mt. Rainier, and of course journeyed off to Denmark for the present adventure. They say time flies when you're having fun, so I guess this past year I have had a LOT of fun!

2012 holds a lot of uncertainty (NCRTNT?) for me, and undoubtedly some challenges as I attempt to write a thesis, finish my masters program, and seek gainful employment in a pretty crappy economy. However it pans out, though, I know I will have lots of love (LOL as the pegsta likes to say) and lots of fun along the way thanks to the truly amazing people that I have in my life.** Anyway, before I get too carried away with the corniness, I would just like to say that I hope you all had a great year, and here's to another one to come!

Happy New Year!!

View from the Alahambra in Granada, Spain

* I guess that's just logical, being the product of Peggy FUNsten and Byrne LOVEll 
** I don't know if it's having a blog, being away from the holidays, or too much Glogg but I seem to be getting awfully sentimental lately!