Saturday, August 27, 2011


"Dear Briana,

Your application for a residence and work permit in Denmark has been approved. You will find the decision letter attached. Furthermore, we have attached a personal data card form that you are to print, fill out and return by ordinary mail to the Danish Immigration Service.

Best regards,
Consular Services New York"

- Sent from my iLaptop@Airport_before_flight_at_4:30


  1. bookmarked next to stout's blog, have a safe flight through Irene and all

  2. so so so excited to hear bout your journey/trip/studies/life! I'm reading about Denmark right now and it's role in the public sector (in MONOCLE's June issue). Have you heard of this place Mindlab? Sounds like an incredible place you might want to check out while you're there! love Kropp. xox

  3. Comment sent from my isupercomputer while in belltown at happy hour. Holla!
