Thursday, November 24, 2011

Happy Thanksgiving!

Well it's 6:30 AM PST so I guess any of you on the west coast are getting that oven turned on and setting to work!! Or sleeping in and enjoying a day off of work...

I've already had thanksgiving AND thanksgiving leftovers, if you can imagine that. I'm friends with an American girl who lives right above me (over my exact room, actually) and so the two of us decided to team up to prepare thanksgiving for our flatmates. She and her flatmates did the hardest part - the turkey and stuffing - along with mashed potatoes, cornbread, and gravy, while I made (with help from the roomies) sweet potatoes, bread rolls, my traditional brussel sprouts with bacon, and of course an apple pie.

Normally I'm really only in charge of the brussel sprouts and maybe some easy popovers, so I had to ask Pegsta for some preparation advice to get everything squared away. I didn't really allow enough time to do everything so in the end it was quite a flurry of peeling, chopping, and cooking, but I think it was a success. You can see my haphazard lattice work (with preamade crust) above.

Here's the gang:

 Kate, my fellow American, is on the front left there. Ervis the Albanian is heading up the table on the other end, and my other roomates are too busy getting to the food to smile for the picture. I didn't capture too much of the action as I was pretty flustered by all of the last-minute cooking activity, but here I am showing off the pie.

In the end it was really a nice way to celebrate Thanksgiving - the food was REALLY good and otherwise it was nice and low key - we talked about our holiday traditions in our countries of origin, and gobbled away. I'm pretty far from home here, but it was fun to get to bring a piece of it over to share. I think Thanksgiving is one of the best traditions we have in a country as diverse, divided, and distracted as the US can be.

Still, I'll be thinking of everyone at home today, especially in Portland. I'll miss the annual game of beer pong, and seeing all of my school friends and other loved ones, but most of all I'll miss hanging out with myzeey and byrno and tha pegsta all day in the Lovell kitchen. Thank goodness for Skype!

Hope everyone has a great holiday!


  1. Bri! Love reading about your Danish Thanksgiving! That pie looks DANK.

  2. What the heck? I just posted the most heart felt comment and it didn't post. So...............briefly said, though having you in the room on Skype for a few hours while we cooked and you made Danish paper ornaments was an excellent way to bridge the gap, we really missed you and while I'm glad that you had a celebration there, I'd better see you at OUR table next year!
    Lots of love from the home front,
    Pegsta (aka "Anonymous")

  3. your lattice is so legit! happy (late) reading your entire blog right now and soooo into it if you couldnt tell by all my (late) comments
