Thursday, December 22, 2011

just a note

The past week has been pretty intense, working at the group room from 10 am until 10 or 11 or 12 at night trying to get a good draft of the project to our supervisor. Yesterday we officially went on "break", although we still have some work to do.

Here's what its looked like:

Most of the other international students have gone home now. I remember this feeling from a few times in college when I was the last to leave for a break - kind of lonely, especially knowing that everyone else gets to go home and celebrate christmas* with their families. But since I've been so busy it still felt nice to sleep in and relax today, wondering around the streets crowded with christmas shoppers.

I'm a bit behind on posts so hopefully I'll have another tonight or tomorrow. Saturday morning (4:45 AM taxi!) as some of you may know I'm making a little trip to Spain, where I hope to see my long lost friend, the sun.

*I've gotten so used to saying "happy holidays" that it does feel kind of nice here to go ahead and throw out a jolly "merry christmas!" (or "god jul" - yes my danish is really coming along!) It seems pretty acceptable here, and with the exception of a few muslim friends, it seems the Danes are pretty into christmas.

Hope you all are winding down the week and getting ready to enjoy some holiday fun!

1 comment:

  1. I remember being really surprised to learn that Danes put REAL candles on their Christmas tree! And actually light them with REAL fire!
